Developed over 5,000 years ago, acupressure is an ancient technique that originated in Chinese medicine.
The theory is that by producing pressure on very specific areas of the body, the body can benefit from increased blood flow, a relief from tension, and even release the body's 'chi' that is responsible for providing energy. Once that energy begins flowing throughout the body, the person experiences relaxation and healing.
The practice of acupressure has come a long way, but the main principles remain the same. Nowadays, people can even perform acupressure on themselves in the comfort of their own home through devices such as the Q-Flex that assist in reaching those specific pressure points along the body.
What Conditions Benefit from Acupressure?
Aches and pains accrue for a variety of reasons, from exercise, sports, and simply getting older. Acupressure is found to help improve pain in all areas of the body, tension reduction within the muscles, and even better circulation. Anyone who is stressed could also benefit from acupressure, as it aids in relaxation.
Who Should Not Use Acupressure?
While acupressure can help many issues, there are a few when it should not be used. For example, it should not be used as the sole form of treatment when someone is seriously sick. While acupressure can bring some pain relief and improve circulation, that should not take the place of traditional medical care under the eye of a trained physician or other health practitioner. Additionally, pregnant women should avoid acupressure, since some pressure points are targeted toward the uterus and could potentially bring on contractions.
Types of Acupressure
There are two general ways to apply acupressure to the body. The first is when an individual feels stiffness or pain in a specific area; the pressure could be applied in the same area. This is known as local point manipulation. Another way to relieve pain is to manipulate an area away from where the pain is concentrated; this is called trigger point manipulation.
Acupressure is definitely something that everyone who experiences pain or tension, for any reason, should consider. Even one acupressure session -- by a professional or at home with a device like the Q-Flex -- can help ease the pain and make you feel better.